February 5, 2018

Are You Dieting But Not Losing Weight?

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Crabtree poker run smoothie for those struggling with dieting but not losing weight.

I hear a lot of girls saying they are dieting but not losing weight. They are “good” most of the time and then go off plan just enough to not lose weight. They stay in a loop. But it FEELS like they are trying hard when in reality they are trying too hard then rebounding with overeating.

If you are dieting and not losing weight let’s talk!

Your Food is Boring!

If your food is boring and disgusting then you are doing it wrong. After all, you can only suffer miserably through so many meals before finally bagging it altogether, so it’s important that you make your food something healthy and that you can look forward to having.

Let go of the idea there are a few safe foods to eat. If you are dieting and not losing weight you need to try NEW and EXCITING things because there are no magic foods! Check Pinterest or ask in one of my Facebook Lives for help from my #pnpgroupies.

You Are Eating Too Little!

I tell my girls  to JOURNAL their food  for a few days. Notice if you trying too hard. Start eating when you feel hunger and stop when you are satisfied.

Hangry is not a requirement.

Food Prep!

A lot of you make a Monday declaration to DO GOOD this week. You’ll do a little planning but back it up with no action.

Once you have a plan, prep what you can. The more you think ahead and prepare the more likely you are to make a good choice each time you eat.

Too many of us just suffer from a lack of preparation. We aren’t weak, lazy, or incapable. We have to make healthy choices 3-6 times a day. Don’t rely on yourself to WANT to make a healthy choice.

Take as much thinking out of your week about what you will eat as you can. It’s that simple.

On Sunday, take a look at your week. When do the kids have practice? When do they have games? What meetings do you have?

MAKE A DANG PLAN and cook some. Bag up snacks, have dinner made or ready to go, know exactly what you will order if you eat out, and pack a few easy lunches for work. It can be EASY.

Doing a few small tweaks helps you go from thinking about dieting all the time to actually losing weight each week.


Ready to lose weight for the last damn time?

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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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