October 29, 2017

Ep. 29: If Your Past Sucks Listen Up

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For years I have worked with women who want to lose weight. What I have noticed is that so many of them, including myself, have tremendous hurt in our past.

If you have listened to my podcast you know I have survived deep depression and suicide. I was bullied throughout my childhood. My son has autism.

These three things, even after losing weight, I carried around with me like a burden. In my head each story was full of pain and I had to fight it to survive.

That’s exhausting. Most of us cannot do it. After losing 100lbs, I was one of the lucky ones who could not eat because of the tremendous painful thoughts I inflicted on myself each and every day.

While I was becoming a Master Weight and Life Coach, I learned a powerful lesson. Our past is fact. Today it only is allowed the influence in our lives that we give it.

In our podcast today you will learn how to re-write your past. I’ve done this several times.

I’ve gone from “suffering with depression” to a survivor. Thinking autism took my child to learning I create our relationship. And, I was creating a shitty one. All the years I was bullied allowed me to live a life of service to women who need help losing weight for good.

This isn’t just about changing a few thoughts and slapping a happy face on it. This is about truly looking at your past and creating a brand new story around it so you can thrive today.

It might be the most valuable lesson I teach my private clients.

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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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